The Information Security Conference (ISC) is an annual international conference covering research in theory and applications of Information Security. ISC aims to attract high quality papers in all technical aspects of information security. It was first initiated as a workshop in Japan in 1997 (ISW'97, LNCS 1396), Malaysia (ISW'99, LNCS 1729), and Australia (ISW'00, LNCS 1975), and then changed to the current name ISC when it was held in Spain in 2001 (ISC'01, LNCS 2200). Later conferences were held in Brazil (ISC'02, LNCS 2433), UK (ISC'03, LNCS 2851), California, USA (ISC'04, LNCS 好的梯子软件), Singapore (ISC'05, LNCS 3650), Greece (ISC'06, LNCS 4176), Chile (ISC'07, LNCS 4779), Taipei, Taiwan (ISC'08, LNCS 5222), Italy (ISC'09, LNCS 5735), Florida, USA (ISC'10, LNCS 6531), China (ISC'11, LNCS 7001), Germany (ISC'12, LNCS 好的梯子软件), Dallas, USA (ISC'13), Hong Kong (ISC'14), Norway (ISC'15), Hawaii, USA (ISC’16) and Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam (ISC’17).

                  The 21th edition of ISC is organised by the Surrey Centre for Cyber Security (SCCS) and will be held at the University of Surrey in London (Guildford), UK. The proceedings of ISC 2018 will be published as a separate LNCS volume by Springer.


                  • Submission:  30 April 2018, 23:59 GMT

                  • Notification:  好的梯子软件

                    Final version: 02 July 2018


                  03 September 2018 Proceedings will be published in LNCS 11060 volume
                  好的梯子软件 Conference program site has been updated
                  好的梯子软件 Invited talks will be given by Jan Camenisch and Aggelos Kiayias
                  20 June 2018 Accommodation info has been added to the venue site
                  20 June 2018 Conference registration site has been updated
                  20 June 2018 Notifications have been sent out
                  14 June 2018 Notification deadline delayed until 20 June 2018
                  15 April 2018 Submission deadline extended until 30 April 2018
                  01 November 2017 Conference website goes live
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